
the Inauguration Ceremony of Holitech India factory is held in Greater Noida

  • Time:2019-12-06

  • Hits:2973

On June 15th, the Inauguration ceremony of Holitech India factory is held in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India. Chen Binghuang Counsellor, Chinese Embassy in India, Siddharth Bhatia, Deputy Minister of Investment Promotion Department of India, Bian Zhihang, Deputy General Manager of Fujian Electronic Information Group, Chen Guisheng, President of Holitech, Zheng Guoqing, Senior Vice President, Wen Taikun, Vice President and Wang Gongxian, Vice President etc. attend the ceremony. More than 150 guests from all over the world, partners, investors, media reporters, and Holitech India employees gathered together to witness another major moment in the development of Holitech.


Wen Taikun, the vice president of Holitech and the general manager of the Indian company, made a detailed introduction to the general situation and future plans of the Indian factory. According to Wen Taikun, Holitech India plans a total investment of about 17.7 billion rupees. It plans to have 3730 employees by 2020. There are No. 1-4 factories in Greater Noida, mainly producing camera module (CCM), liquid crystal display module (TFT), capacitive touch screen module (CTP), flexible printed circuit board (FPC) and fingerprint recognition Module (BR) and other products. By the end of 2019, the monthly production capacity of camera modules will reach 10KK, the monthly production capacity of LCD modules will reach 7KK, and the monthly production capacity of capacitive touch screen modules, fingerprint identification modules and flexible circuit boards will reach 5KK.

灵宝市| 来宾市| 吴川市| 双辽市| 亳州市| 葵青区| 塘沽区| 莫力| 浪卡子县| 无极县| 丰县| 阿合奇县| 米泉市| 西林县| 苏尼特右旗| 博野县| 吉水县| 仁怀市| 宁乡县| 龙山县| 克山县| 佛山市| 甘南县| 象山县| 漯河市| 松原市| 泗阳县| 湖州市| 嘉祥县| 邹城市| 彰化市| 定安县| 渑池县| 墨江| 巫山县| 云阳县| 驻马店市| 辽中县| 佛坪县| 逊克县| 山东省|